Random Sheet of Paper

Notes from the life and words of Addison and Ryland

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Photos by Addison

Here we go...jumping back in to this fun world of blogging, but this time, for me at least, I think it is different. I am going to try my hardest to view this outlet as my random sheet of paper, jotting down bits, funny or insightful, from the life of a 3 and 5 year old that give me a glimpse of the world through their vantage point. I am letting myself, and you (but mostly myself), know upfront that I will resist feeling the need to document all the goings on in our lives, but somehow I do want to freeze the precious innocence, humor, and delight of raising these two little funny kids. I say this merely to take the pressure off of me because I know I will miss taking pictures of something like Kindergarten graduation and then avoid blogging because I missed a link in the chain and I just can't go on until I go back and find that link....So here we go....

We took these pictures back in early fall when it was still warm enough to wear sleeveless and have prolonged picnics in the park. Addie loves taking pictures and I love seeing what she sees...Here are just a few of hers...(totally unedited)

on the Rye front...I think he is going to have a funny sense of humor...

Richard was getting ready in our room the other day when Ryland was in there and Richard was just talking to me jokingly and said..."I am just trying to look like (pause)..." and Rye chimed in perfectly saying "...a dork." CLASSIC!

(I took this
picture, but I
just had to show
off his little heart
shaped birthmark
on his left shoulder!)


  1. I love it! I always have to give myself blog freedom to do whatever I want so I grant you the same. That is so funny what Ryland said to Richard! I love it! I love those kiddos

  2. I love your new blog and your new height perspective!!! You are so creative. I also like how you put their height under their pictures. Addison did a great job on the pictures.

  3. Thanks for the nice comments!...and for welcoming me back into the blogging world. You two are great.

  4. LOVE your new blog Heidi. Cant wait to read and see more!!

  5. I am so glad you started this blog.. I read the post backwards.. but that's ok. And that birthmark is so cute!

  6. oh and don't feel pressured to tell every little story.. (I know it's hard, cause I feel it too most times) .. but we just love to read anything about your family.. so it doesn't matter if it is everything or just the little things like Ry calling Richard a dork! ha!
