Random Sheet of Paper

Notes from the life and words of Addison and Ryland

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


What is PPT you ask?  It sounds like a disorder or vaccine, but it is just initials I made up for being Paralyzed by Passing Time.  This is the exact syndrome I spoke against in my first blog post.  I said that I wouldn't "avoid blogging because I missed a link in the chain."  Well, low and behold it happened....Valentine's Day.  I just thought I couldn't go on with another blog post unless I included Valentine's Day...and I just didn't have the pictures or a big story from that day....
....however, I realized I do have one...and I will include it briefly, but to carry on with what I want to leave here on these random sheets of cyber paper, I will make this blog brief and hopefully capture a few child perspectives.
On Valentine's Night Richard took Addie on his annual VDay date and when she came home, beaming of course, she asked if she could tuck me in to bed this night...tired and willing, I obliged.  She said a sweet prayer with me, and sang me two original songs...absolutely beautiful songs (in word...not so much in melody!). A couple of nuggets from her lullaby (which was basically a narrative of her life and her relationship with us and God) I will leave with you...
- She has two Fathers - one in the "air" and one here
- When we have left her and Ryland before and gone on a long distance trip she hasn't felt safe (talk about heart breaking!), but knew that she could always talk to God and he would never leave her, he would be right by her side - yes, tears were rolling down my face at that point.
- and Yes, she loves us so much...That was the best Valentine's any mom could get. If you haven't yet, I hope you too get a valentine's song one day!

Valentine's Day blog post - check!

Ok, Ryland's latest little question...When he has done something he thinks has irritated me or I have a certain look on my face he will say, "Mom, you happy at me?"  with this fake desperate little smile across his sweet face.  Oh yes, Ryland, I am very happy at you!  You bring me such joy!  The funny thing though is that it always reminds me of that commercial (local commercial of course) from that law office with all the ladies lined up talking about posting bail for someone saying...."Don't worry. R&R will be there.  We ain't mad atcha!"  Hilarious!  If you haven't had the pleasure of seeing that...I am deeply sorry because it is a classic. 

I will post again soon with more pictures from a recent trip to Ohio, but for now I just want you all to know that I am happy at you!...and with you!...and my cup runneth over!
And to my Valentine, Richard...I love you and you will always be my BEST FRIEND and have my heart!


  1. Heidi you are gorgeous!! Goodness! Yet another wonderful post from you. I live gearing what your kids say. They gave such classic lines. That is such a sweet thing Addison did with you. I would have been crying too. I guess I will always have a valentine sing since sweet Hollings was born then! I need to see that law office commercial. That sounds so funny

  2. Your kids are so unique and clever! It is so awesome to hear about Addison and know that God is teaching her at such ayoung age!
    That comercial is funny! and it's always good to hear when people aren't mad at you but happy at you instead:)

  3. Thanks so much, Sunday. You are sooo kind. I often don't realize how funny the kids are until I stop to write it down. I am glad you too have seen that commercial Becky.

  4. Your post bring tears to my eyes.. how sweet. I can' wait to have children.. I am hope they are as precious as yours! Just melts your heart!

    I also think that's a great pic of the three of you.. plus how sweet is Richard to take Addie out on Vday! = )

  5. Happy Valentine's to all of you! What a great story and awesome photos. I love Ryland's "Happy at me" inquiry! Missed seeing you here, but thanks so much for all the great stuff. Hopefully we'll get together soon!

  6. Heidi, oh that song brought tears. Sweet Addison and she is so right!!
    Ok I was just telling Matt's sister about that commercial the weekend before last!! What a trip. LOVE your blog ;)

  7. I love Addison's song. It must be so amazing to hear wisdom like that coming from your daughter! And your description of Ryland's desperate smile, wanting you to be happy at him is so sweet. Beautiful pictures, too!

  8. sorry i missed this. better late than never right?
    that is so sweet about addisons songs to you, i love that she just made them up out of thin air.
    that commercial is hilarious, i love that it reminds you of rylands little plea, it's a wonderful memory.
